Liverpool High School Fine Arts Renovation Earns AIA CNY Award of Merit

On November 12, 2022, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Central New York Chapter held their annual Celebration of Architecture Design Awards. The Fine Arts renovation at Liverpool High School was recognized with an Award of Merit. The purpose of the design awards program is to celebrate achievements in design excellence by architects in the Central New York Region and to honor the architects, clients and consultants who work together to create and enhance our built environment.

The awards jury said: “Stunning, restrained, impactful landscaping that opened up the exterior space, new exterior paneling freshens up the space, wood elements bring warmth to the space.”

The project features an expansive high-bay daylit lobby, an enlarged auditorium with a new mezzanine to accommodate nearly 1,000 seats, and drastic improvements to accessory instructional spaces. The exterior courtyard space outside the Fine Arts entrance was designed to provide a welcoming extension of the open lobby space with amphitheater style seating to support a multitude of outdoor performances.

As Adam Shatraw, Director of Fine Arts, remarked at the ribbon cutting ceremony, “You will discover a community including the administrators, Board of Education members, families, businesses, and District partners that support the arts and arts education with such resounding fervor that facilities like these can be imagined and seen to fruition. As you walk through these beautiful spaces, you will see the spirit of the arts at Liverpool and the commitment by all of those in our community to foster that spirit, to allow it to grow, and flourish.”

By reimagining the Fine Arts spaces, the Liverpool High School not only has a state-of-the-art facility that reflects the exceptionalism that is their current program but also fosters excitement within the students to develop an interest in pursuing lifelong learning in the performing arts.

Derek Goodroe