A Commercially Viable Net Zero Office Building: Andrew Schuster and Sara Berg Present at 2021 NYS Green Building Conference

Ashley McGraw Architects - Sustainable Energy Fund Office Building.jpg

Andrew Schuster, Principal, and Sara Berg, Project Architect, presented on April 28 at the 2021 New York State Green Building Conference. The presentation, “A Commercially Viable Net Zero Office Building: Technology, Beauty and Meaning” centered around the Sustainable Energy Fund’s New Net Zero Energy Office Building. The building was designed and built to demonstrate that Net Zero Energy approach can be used for a leasable office building for a similar cost as typical commercial construction. The new SEF headquarters will be a model of how buildings can and should be done moving forward.

Attendees learned to:

  • Understand the value of a design/build approach to cost optimized performance

  • Learn how Net Zero Energy design and sustainability goals drove value-add decision making for a speculative commercial building

  • Analyze the role of energy modeling in the design, construction and operation of a Net Zero Energy Building. Develop an understanding of available energy modeling tools.

  • Understand how the team was able to value engineer a Net Zero Energy building while retaining the design and energy performance goals of the project.

Learn more about the SEF NZE project

Derek Goodroe