Calvin Ahn Presents Syracuse University's Schine Student Center at APPA Virtual Facilities Summit

Syracuse University Schine Student Center.jpg

On Thursday, July 22, 2021, Calvin Ahn, Principal, presented “A New Nexus for Campus Design” at the 2021 APPA Virtual Summit. Ahn was joined by John Burse, Principal of Mackey Mitchell Architects, and Joseph Alfieri, Director of Campus Planning, Design and Construction at Syracuse University.

As campuses embrace many changing trends and expectations, incorporating them into renovations in an integrated way brings tremendous challenges. Syracuse University faced this challenge as they approached the substantial renovation of their campus center - the Schine Student Center. The recently completed renovation of Schine represents the nexus of three significant trends: Universal Design, Student-Centered Design, and Design for Diversity and Inclusion.

By synthesizing these three elements, Schine embodies a dramatic shift in focus, creating a vibrant, inclusive new center for the campus. Circulation, wayfinding, and accessibility capture key principles of Universal Design. In this presentation, they presented this case study and shared what it means for the future of campus designs