Kyle Gregory Leads Virtual Discussion on Mid-Century Architecture and Design

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Kyle Gregory, Senior Architect, led a virtual discussion as part of Hilltop House and Studio’s lecture series on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 on mid-century architecture and design.

The session, “Mid-Century Matters - Understanding the Architecture of an Era” looked at the cultural, technological, and economic factors that influenced the development of various architecture and design genres that characterize this era. Kyle also discussed how we continue to live with it today in both aesthetic and functional terms, including some of the material advancements that have facilitated our contemporary lifestyles.

May is National Preservation Month and Kyle is one of our in-house historic preservation specialists. Kyle recently completed the exterior rehabilitation/restoration of Syracuse City School District’s Grant Middle School. Before his work at Ashley McGraw, Kyle completed numerous historic preservation studies and projects at the University of Missouri. His passion for historic preservation continues outside of the firm, serving on the Advisory Committee for the Hilltop House and Studio, which was recently added to the National Trust's Historic Artists Homes and Studios program.

Derek Goodroe