Ashley McGraw Presents 3 Sessions at 2021 SUNY PPAA & NYAPPA Summer Conference

Merging Universal Design, Inclusivity, Diversity, and Student Centered Design:
The Syracuse University Schine Student Center
Calvin Ahn, Principal, Ashley McGraw Architects
John Burse, Principal, Mackey Mitchell Architects
Joseph Alfieri, Director of Campus Planning, Design and Construction, Syracuse University

As campuses embrace a multitude of changing trends and expectations, incorporating them all into renovations in an integrated way brings great challenges. Syracuse University faced this challenge as they approached the substantial renovation of their campus center. The original Schine Student Center faced significant hurdles: confusing circulation; hard-to-find student support program spaces; outdated dining model; and poor accommodation of those with differing abilities and backgrounds.

  • Universal Design

  • Student-Centered Design

  • Design for Diversity and Inclusion

By synthesizing these three elements, Schine embodies a dramatic shift in focus, creating a vibrant, inclusive new center for the campus. Circulation, wayfinding, and accessibility capture key principles of Universal Design. The mix of student programming is significantly improved with programs from across campus supplementing those already there. Representatives of the campus and design team will present this case study and share what it means for the future of campus designs.

Case Studies in 20th Century Building Envelope Upgrades
Calvin Ahn, Principal, Ashley McGraw Architects
Kyle Gregory, Senior Architect, Ashley McGraw Architects

As campuses strive to improve energy efficiency and explore Deep Energy Retrofits, building envelope upgrades are a key strategy. We’ll share some lessons learned from three recent building envelope upgrades in buildings spanning the 20th century: 1920s; 1970’s; 1980’s. We’ll discuss strategies and limitations for a range of construction types, and tools to help ensure successful interventions.

Beyond the Pandemic - Unearthing Systemic Connections for Campus Innovation
Susanne Angarano, Principal, Vaysen Studio / Ashley McGraw Architects
Matthew Broderick, President & CEO, Ashley McGraw Architects

Rather than a formal presentation, the intent of this interactive session is to provide space for and facilitate a guided discussion around Post-Pandemic Visioning for higher education institutions. We will summarize and build from findings of our session at the Winter Conference to focus on the elements most critical to your Campuses.

Hear from your fellow Campus stakeholders how they are addressing these various aspects, such as hybrid teaching and work-from-home, heightened issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and financial strain and enrollment.

Through these facilitated discussions, various opportunities such as new collaborations and thought partnerships, multi-purpose solutions, and cost and space optimizing strategies may rise to the top. In particular, we will discuss embracing the disruption as an opportunity to take a fresh look at traditional models as a way to open the door for innovative and co-created thinking that will secure the health and vitality of higher education institutions well into the future.

This session will provide full group and break-out groups opportunity to share and discuss, with activities designed to review these aspects holistically and individually, documenting the concerns and ideas generated for all participants to take and use as thought starters within their own institutions for future planning.

View / Download to Learn More on Our Post-Pandemic Visioning

Syracuse University Schine Student Center.jpg
Derek Goodroe