Calvin Ahn Presents on Schine Student Center at 2022 SCUP North Atlantic Conference

Calvin Ahn, Principal, co-presented “All Are Welcome Here: Transforming the Schine Student Center” at the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) North Atlantic Conference on March 17, 2022. The conference was held in Amherst, MA. Along with Calvin, presenting on the transformation of the Syracuse University Schine Student Center was John Burse, Principal of Mackey Mitchell Architects, and Joseph Alfieri, Director of Campus Planning, Design and Construction at Syracuse University.

Attendees learned how the nexus of principles of Universal Design, student-centered design, and planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion can increase student engagement while advancing  a welcoming campus experience.

Challenges familiar to many campuses, Schine Student Center presented significant hurdles: confusing circulation, hard-to-find student programs and resources, outdated dining, and poor accommodation of those with differing abilities and backgrounds. Integrating changing trends and expectations into renovations can be daunting. Not only have physical spaces been transformed, but also changing the way students engage through lenses of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Deep EnergyDerek Goodroe