Gregory Presents at NYAPPA 2024 Summer Conference

On July 17, 2024, Kyle Gregory, Associate Principal and Senior Architect, presented "Leveraging Legacy Facilities for the 21st Century Campus" at the New York Association of Physical Plant Administrators (NYAPPA) 2024 Summer Conference in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Gregory discussed how crafting flexible, resilient learning environments in both new and existing buildings is essential to student engagement and recruitment as campuses grapple with reinforcing the value of in-person learning. The presentation looked at two brick buildings from the 1930s as case studies: Silverman Hall at SUNY Upstate and Ketchum Hall at SUNY Buffalo State University. Though originally designed for disparate functions, both buildings share challenges unique to their time and typology: narrow floor plates, lack of secondary exposures to locate service functions, formal circulation patterns that challenge accessibility, and underperforming building envelopes.

Through the lens of these case studies Gregory examined the challenges associated with different building types while presenting solutions that promote student engagement and improve learning. Solutions discussed included the evaluation of existing strategies for accommodating complex program requirements within restricted floor plates, preserving historic sightlines through the selective configuration of mechanical systems and service areas, evaluating the potential for universal access at both the exterior and interior, and strategies for historically sensitive DER upgrades.

Ashley McGraw