Angarano and Evans Discuss Transforming Mid-Century Campus Buildings on APPA Webinar

Binghamton Univ Science IV.jpg

Susanne Angarano, Principal / Senior Interior Designer, and Jason Evans, Associate Principal, presented “Transforming Mid-Century Campus Buildings 2.0: Measuring Design Against the Outcomes” on a July 9 webinar hosted by the Association of Physical Plant Administrators (APPA). They were joined by Jaimee Wilson of Pathfinder Engineers.

APPA is the gathering place for educational facilities professionals, dedicated to the ongoing evolution of the profession. The monthly free webinar series keeps members informed and connected in the world of facilities. 

Mid-Century buildings are commonplace on campuses across the nation, yet many are energy hogs, far from code-compliant, and are hardly conducive to 21st century learning. As these buildings continue to age, how should we approach treating these shortcomings? Are they worth saving at all?

This webinar provided a best practices approach, post-occupancy evaluation, and where do we go from here with new Deep Energy Retrofit directives while weaving in case studies from various projects. Science IV, a textbook example of a mid-century building on Binghamton University’s campus, has become a test bed for this type of questioning and evaluation. Undertaken in two phases, the team walked through an analysis of its transformation, focusing especially on energy performance and user experience. Taking a dive into the design strategies for Deep Energy Retrofit at Science IV and looking at the energy outcomes a year after completion. What was the return on investment? What were the successes and opportunities missed? How do these lessons impact approaches to future mid-century renovation projects?

Missed the webinar? View the recording by the APPA.