Ashley McGraw Architects collaborated with Barker Architects and Vaysen Studio to provide a comprehensive assessment of the existing construction trades learning facility and then proposed design solutions for the new construction of, renovation of, and or, expansion to the Construction Trades Program. Additionally, the school district plans to add three (3) new Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs: Culinary Arts, Cosmetology, and Public Safety. The project goals were to determine the existing deficiencies, assess future needs, and design an addition and/or renovated CTE structure for the Conant High School.

We have worked with the district and Region 14 community (comprised of Masenic, Con Val, and Jaffrey-Rindge school districts). Our team has worked collaboratively with the district to establish a number of stakeholder groups to help guide the process. Local industry partners are sharing their wisdom through the Program Advisory Committees (one for each CTE program). Leamer experience is core to the Jaffrey-Rindge ethos, as exemplified by the learner design team guiding the process.

Prompted to consider the world the next generation of Jaffrey-Rindge students will need to be prepared for, the building committee, a group comprised of a cross-section of stakeholders, has confirmed the following vision as a response to how Jaffrey-Rindge should be preparing students, “New ways of learning with a focus on flexibility, creativity, and problem-solving. Learners should be spending more of the day doing active, hands-on, skills-based work.”